The Dublin side - who travelled with a small squad- were up against it from the off as Enniscorthy took advantage of the extra space on the pitch, and things looked ominous for the visitors as within fifteen minutes the hosts were two goals up through Seb Rynhart and O'Sullivan. Suttonians found a goal of their own but it was no match for the Wexford men as four more were added before the break through Medcalf, O'Leary, Cooke and O'Sullivan once more, getting his ninth of the season.
In the second half, Rynhart scored either side of a William Durnan goal to complete his first senior hat trick and Enniscorthy's second biggest win in men's hockey.
Despite the crushing lead, Suttonians had found Enniscorthy's concentration lapse somewhat in the final ten minutes of the first half and the host's management team of Doyle and Fraser Rothwell will be concerned ahead of Saturday's visit to the Astro Active Centre of fourth-placed Corinthians III.
Squad: Graham Hill, Andrew Rothwell, David Simmons, Ivan Rothwell, Cory Cooke Glen Chapman, Roy Chapman, Daithi Medcalf, William Durnan, James O'Sullivan, Seb Rynhart, Ciaran O’Leary, Jacob English, Charlie Dunne